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Madhusnuhī Rasaayana
Madhusnuhī Rasaayana is a semisolid Avaleha preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
[hide]Formulation composition
Śuṇṭhī API | Zingiber officinale | Rz. | 6 g |
Marica API | Piper nigrum | Fr. | 6 g |
Pippalī API | Piper longum | Fr. | 6 g |
Harītakī API | Terminalia chebula | P. | 6 g |
Bibhītaka API | Terminalia belerica | P. | 6 g |
Āmalakī API | Emblica officinalis | P. | 6 g |
Tvak API | Cinnamomum zeylanicum | St. Bk. | 6 g |
Elā (Sūkṣmailā API) | Elettaria cardamomum | Sd. | 6 g |
Patra (Tejapatra) API | Cinnamomum zeylanicum | Lf | 6 g |
Jātīphala API | Myristica fragrans | Sd. | 6 g |
Jātīpatrā (Jātīphala API) | Myristica fragrans | Ar. | 6 g |
Agni (Citraka API) | Plumbago zeylanica | Rt | . 6 g |
Varālā (Lavaṅga API) | Syzigium aromaticum | Fl. Bd. | 6 g |
Dhānyaka API | Coriandrum sativum | Fr. | 6 g |
Śveta jīraka API | Cuminum cyminum | Fr. | 6 g |
Kṛṣṇa Jīraka API | Carum carvi | Fr. | 6 g |
Viḍaṅga API | Embelia ribes | Fr. | 6 g |
Cavya API | Piper chaba | St. | 6 g |
Kuṣṭha API | Saussuera lappa | Rt. | 6 g |
Trivṛtā (Trivṛt API) | Ipomoea turpethum | Rt. | 6 g |
Granthika (Pippalīmūla API) | Piper longum | Rt. | 6 g |
Vājigandhikā (Aśvagandā API) | Withania somnifera | Rt. | 6 g |
Bhārṅgī API | Clerodendrum serratum | Rt. | 6 g |
Tejovatī-Bīja API | Zanthoxylum alatum | Sd. | 6 g |
Keśara (Nāgakeśara API) | Mesua ferrea | Stmn. | 6 g |
Śuddha Gandha (Gandhaka API) | Sulphur | 192 g | |
Mahiṣākṣa Guggulu-Śodhita API | Commiphora wighti | O. R. | 192 g |
Madhusnuhī API | Smilax china | Rt. Tr. | 192 g |
Ghṛta (Goghṛta API) | Clarified butter from cow s milk | 576 g | |
Sitā API | Sugar candy | 576 g | |
Madhu API | Honey | 768 g |
Method of preparation
- Take raw materials of pharmacopoeial quality.
- Clean, dry the ingredients number 1 to 26 and 29 (Prakshepa Dravya) of the formulation composition, powder separately and pass through sieve number 85.
- Treat Guggulu to prepare shodhita Guggulu.
- Treat Gandhaka to prepare shodhita Guggulu.
- Powder shuddha Gandhaka and pass through sieve number 120.[1]
- Solid, brown, sweet semi solid with smell characteristic of coconut.
- Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protect from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses
- Pramehapiḍaka (Diabetic carbuncle), Arbuda (Tumour), Gaṇḍamālā (Cervical lymphadenitis), Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano), Guhyavraṇa (Ulcer in genitalia), Vātarakta (Gout), Kuṣṭha (Diseases of skin), Kilāsa (Vitiligo) Arṣa (Piles), Prameha (Increased frequency and turbidity of urine), Kanḍū (Itching). Used as Rasayana.
- 6 to 12 gm twice a day.
- warm water.
Physico-chemical parameters
Total Ash | Not more than 1.4 per cent |
Acid insoluble ash | Not more than 0.23 per cent |
Alcohol-soluble extractive | Not less than 40.0 per cent |
Water-soluble extractive | Not less than 47.5 per cent |
Reducing sugar | 25 to 30 per cent |
Non-reducing sugar | 4.78 to 5.14 per cent |
pH (5 % aqueous solution) | 4.02 to 4.17 |
- Formulations
- Ayurvedic Medicine
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Diabetic carbuncle
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Tumour
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Cervical lymphadenitis
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Fistula-in-ano
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Ulcer in genitalia
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Gout
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases of skin
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Vitiligo
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Piles
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Increased frequency and turbidity of urine
- Therapeutic use of Formula - Itching