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2,040 bytes added, 3 years ago
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*Keep a regular routine
*Get plenty of rest
==Foods to be favoured==
*The foods which are beneficial to Vata Prakriti are those that are sweet and hot in nature. Since Vata Prakriti people have variable digestive capacity, it is recommended to them to follow an appropriate dietary routine. Food should be consumed in small quantities. Ginger and garlic shall be used to maintain proper digestive abilities. Food good for Vata prakriti are as follows:
*Cereals such as wheat, sesame, oats
*Pulses such as black gram, green gram.
*Milk products such as curd, ghee, butter, cheese.
*Oils such as sesame oil, castor oil, cod liver oil.
*Vegetables such as white gourd, drumstick, onion, garlic, asparagus, radish, carrot, ripen cucumber, pumpkin, ajmoda (celery), eggplant, pointed gourd, sponge gourd, changeri (Indian sorrel)
*Fruits such as mango, coconut, grapes, dates, pineapple, almonds, figs, All sweet fruits, apricots, bananas,grapefruit, lemons, mango, melons, oranges, pomegranate, ripen monkey jack.
*Spices: Jeeraka (cumin), ardraka (ginger), sharshapa (mustard seeds), ajwain (Tachyspermum ammi), methika (fenugreek), dhanyaka (coriander), bay leaves, tulsi (basil), keshara (saffron), hingu (asafoetida), ela (cardamom), lavanga (cloves), saunf (fennel), krishna maricha (black pepper)
==Foods to be reduced==
*Food which are dry, cold and astringent in properties should be avoided.
*Cereals such as barley, horse gram.
*Pulses such as sprouted pulses, peas, masur, chana.
*Almonds, walnut, apples, pear, water chestnut
*Vegetables such as dry leafy vegetables, potato, bitter gourd, tinda (Citrullus vulgaris), aluka (yam), manakanda (Alocasia indica), mushrooms, torai (Luffa acutangula), peas, palakya (spinach), chaulai, (amaranthus), karela (bitter gourd)
*Fruit such as jamun, cucumber, watermelon.
*Spices such as chillies, pepper.
*Honey and sugarcane juice are not beneficial.,ref name="Food for Vata"/>
<ref name="Brief">The above mentioned information is added from the book called '''"MUDRAS & HEALTH PERSPECTIVES"''' by '''''"SUMAN.K.CHIPLUNKAR"'''''.</ref>
<ref name="General Description">[ Ayurveda introduction by Mr.Vasant Lad's pdf]</ref>
<ref name="Food for Vata">[ Referred by find my health website]</ref>

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