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1,064 bytes added, 7 years ago
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*Vayu is mobile, dry, cold, light, minute, rough. These attributes can be felt when breathing air in a state of excitement. When Vayu is aggravated it leads to dryness, roughness, stiff body, pain similar to needle prick, joint pain, brittlebones shivering, numbness in limbs, constipation
and pain in the nails and teeth.
*Reasons for aggravation are suppressing natural urges like excretion, urination and sneezing, eating before digestion of previous meals, sleeping late, talking loudly, exerting more, bumpy rides in vehicles, eating too much – dry pungent bitter things, over eating dry fruits, worrying and feeling tense always. Over indulgence in sexual activity, fasting, over eating cold food, being afraid.
== Symptoms of Low Vayu ==
#Slowing down of various physiological functions, unhappiness, reduction in perceptive powers, weariness, disinterest in speech, nausea, indigestion etc.#Light, cold, butter, pungent and spicy food items increase Vayu.
== Symptoms of Aggravated Pitta ==
Fatigue, lack of strength and sleep, excessive sweating, burning sensation, darkening of complexion, anger, dizziness, fainting, yellowing of skin, stool, urine,nails and eyes, bitter taste in the mouth are unique symptoms of aggravated Pitta.
== Causes ==
#Consumption of large quantities of bitter, sour, hot, spicy, fermented food and drinks increases Pitta. Consuming dry vegetables, alkaline foods, exposure to too much heat and sun, indigestion, anger, fear and depression affect Pitta Dosha.
#Food items like sesame oil, mustard, green vegetables, yogurt, butter milk, vinegar, intoxicating drinks, cream of boiled milk, meat, mutton, aggravate pitta.
== Symptoms of vitiated Kapha ==
#Feeling languid, increased sleep, sweet taste in mouth , feeling cold, itchy, heavy, swelling, constipation, increased secretion of eyes,nose,muscles,retarded response,cough,depression and feeling of lifelessness.
== Reasons ==
#Over eating sweet, sour, heavy oily,moist foods,food containing meat,fish,sesame,sugurcane and milk,eating before digestion of previous meals, lack of exercise,sleeping during the day, lack of physical activity,all these increases kapha dosha.
#Other foods that increase kapha are curds,milk, horse bean, rice pudding,sea food,fat,water chestnut,coconut,green ground and pumpkin and other vegetables that grow on creepers.
== Remidies ==
*Precautions are to be taken about the above food items to restore kapha balance.
*Eating honey woulf help,using pungent and hot herbal preparations would help to balance kapha.
*Exercising,running,sit ups,swimming and being active would help to balance kapha.
*Low kapha displays symptoms of dryness, burning sensation, looseness of joints and lack of sleep. Induced vomitting is good as per Ayurveda. Pungent and host substances should be used for induced vomitting.

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