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1,625 bytes added, 6 years ago
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{{stub}}'''BilvādiBilvādileha''' Leha is a semisolid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below==Formulation Composition=={| class="wikitable"|Bilva API-mūla|| [[Aegle marmelos]] ||Rt. ||1536 g|-|Jala API for decoction reduced to ||Water || ||12.28 l072 l|-|Jīrna Guda (Purāna Guda) API ||Old Jaggery || ||768 g|-|Ghana (Mustā API) ||[[Cyperus rotundus]] ||Rz.|| 12 |-|Dhānya (Dhānyaka API) ||[[Coriandrum sativum]] ||Fr. ||12 g|-|Jīraka (Śvetajīraka API) ||[[Cuminum cyminum]] ||Fr.|| 12 g|-|Trutī (Sūksmailā API) ||[[Elettaria cardamomum]] ||Sd.|| 12 g|-|Tvak API ||[[Cinnamomum zeylanicum]]|| St.Bk. ||12 g|-|Keśara (Nāgakeśara API) ||[[Mesua ferrea]] ||Stmn.|| 12 g|-|Śunthī API|| [[Zingiber officinale]] ||Rz|| 12 g|-|Marica API ||[[Piper nigrum]] ||Fr. ||12 g|-|Pippalī API ||[[Piper longum]] ||Fr. ||12 g|}
==Method of preparation==
*Take raw material of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash, dry, powder ingredient number 1 ([[Kvātha Dravya]]) of the formulation composition and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain coarse powder.*Clean, dry, powder the ingredients number 4 to 12 (Prak¾epa [[Praksepa Dravya]]) of the formulation composition and pass through sieve number 85 to obtain fine powder.
*Add specified amounts of water to the Kvātha Dravya, heat, reduce to one fourth and filter through muslin cloth.
*Add jaggery to the [[Kvātha]], boil to dissolve and filter through muslin cloth.
*Reduce the kvātha to thicker consistency by gentle boiling and stirring continuously during the process.
*Continue heating till the preparation attains the consistency of leha confirmed by the formation of a soft ball that doesn’t disperse in water.
*Remove from heat source and allow to cool to room temperature.
*Add fine powders of Prak¾epa [[Praksepa Dravya]], mix thoroughly to prepare a homogeneous mass.
*Pack it in tight closed containers to protect from light and moisture.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
*Dark brown semisolid paste with a spicy pleasant odour and sweet, astringent taste.
*Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture
==Therapeutic uses==
*Aruci (Aversion to food), Agnimāndya (Excessive salivation), Chardi (Emesis).
*6 g to be licked up 2 to 3 times in small quantities each time.
==Physico-chemical parameters==
{| class="wikitable"
|Loss on drying || Not more than 20.0 per cent
|Total ash|| Not more than 2.3 per cent
|Acid-insoluble ash|| Not more than 0.22 per cent
|Alcohol-soluble extractive || Not less than 6.8 per cent
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Emesis]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Excessive salivation]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Aversion to food]]

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