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Pañcatikta Ghṛta

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Pañcatikta Ghṛta is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Ghṛta as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition

Nimba API Azadirachta indica St.Bk. 480 g
Paṭola API Trichosanthes dioica Lf. 480 g
Vyāghrī (Kaṇṭakārī API) Solanum surattense Pl. 480 g
Guḍūcī API Tinospora cordifolia St. 480 g
Vāsaka (Vāsā API) Adhatoda vasica Rt. 480 g
Jala API for decoction Water 12.29 l
reduced to 3.07 l
Harītakī API Terminalia chebula P. 128 g
Bibhītaka API Terminalia bellirica P. 128 g
Āmalakī API Phyllanthus emblica(Emblica officinalis) P. 128 g
Ghṛta (Gogh¨ta API) Clarified butter from cow’s milk 768 g

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly.
  • Treat Ghrta to prepare Mūrchita Ghrta.
  • Pulverize ingredients numbered 1 to 5 (kvātha dravya) to coarse powder, add specified quantity of water, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Panchatikta kvātha.[1]


  • A low melting Ghrta, greenish yellow color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.


  • Pack it in tightly closed containers to protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Duṣṭavrana (non-healing ulcer), Kuṣṭa (Leprosy/skin diseases), Vātavyādhi (disorders due to vitiated Vāta dosha), Pittavyādhi (diseases due to vitiated Pitta doṣa), Kaphavikāra (disorders due to vitiated Kapha doṣa), Kṛmi (worm infestation), Arśa (Piles) and Kāsa (cough).


  • 12 g daily in divided doses.


  • Warm milk, Warm water.

Physico-chemical parameters

Refractive index at 400 1.450 to 1.452
Weight per ml at 400 0.910 g to 0.930 g
Saponification value 180 to 210
Iodine value 30 to 40
Acid value Not more than 3
Peroxide value Not more than 3
Congealing point 210 to 17
