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Ākarṇa Dhanurasana

1,191 bytes added, 7 years ago
Created page with "'''Akarṇa Dhanurāsana''' in translation from Sanskrit Karṇa means ear and the prefix Ā means towards; or near. Dhanu means "bow" and asana means "pose", the name literal..."
'''Akarṇa Dhanurāsana''' in translation from Sanskrit Karṇa means ear and the prefix Ā means towards; or near. Dhanu means "bow" and asana means "pose", the name literally translated is towards the ear bow pose. A better, non literal translation is the "Archer Pose," as the position resembles an archer about to release an arrow.

== Description ==

*This asana involves pulling the foot towards the ear. To achieve this asana, the practitioner begins in:

#Dandasana the foundation for all seated asanas.
#Grabs hold of each big toes between the thumb and index finger (known as the sixth variant of the Paschimottanasana).
#Exhales, keeping the right leg in full contact with the floor and pull the left foot up towards the ear, bending the knee.
#Holds the position up to 20 seconds breathing normally. Next exhales and straightens the left leg.
#Pulls the foot to a vertical position and holding it statically for 15 seconds.
#Bends the knee returning to stage 4.
#Returns the left leg to the floor
#Repeats on the other side.

== Benefits ==

*This asana improves flexibility of the leg muscles. Abdominal muscles and the lower spine are also strengthened.


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