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Vātāri Guggulu

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Vātāri Guggulu Vati is a preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Guggulu as the basic ingredient

Formulation composition

1. Vātāri Taila (Eraṇḍa API) Ricinus communis Sd. Oil. 1/8 Part
2. Gandhaka API -Śuddha Sulphur 1 Part
3. Guggulu API -Śuddha Commiphora wightii O.R 1 Part
4. Harītakī API Terminalia chebula P. 1 Part
5. Bibhītaka API Terminalia belerica P. 1 Part
6. Āmalakī API Emblica officianalis P. 1 Part

Method of preparation

  • Take all the ingredients of the pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Wash, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 4 to 6 of the formulation composition separately and pass through sieve number 85. Powder Śuddha Gandhaka to a fine powder and pass through sieve number 85.
  • Weigh all of them separately in the required quantities and mix.
  • Crush weighed quantity of Guggulu-Śuddha, add fine powder of other mixed ingredients to it and pound well.
  • Add Eranda Taila in small quantity at regular intervals for smooth pounding and pound to a semisolid uniformly mixed mass of suitable plasticity.
  • Expel the mass through Vati machine fitted with a suitable die and cut the Vatis to a desired weight.
  • Roll the Vatis on flat surface to round them by circular motion of palm covered with a glove and smeared with Eranda Taila or use suitable mechanical device.[1]


  • Spherical pills, greyish-black in colour with agreeable odour and bitter taste.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed container, protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Āmavāta (Rheumatism), Kaṭīśūla (Lower backache), Grdhṛasī (Sciatica), Khañja (Limping), Vātarakta (Gout), Paṅgu (Paraplegia), Śotha (Inflammation), Dāha (Burning sensation), Kroṣṭu śīrṣaka (Deformed knee due to chronic arthritis).


  • 15 – 30 ml orally with equal amount of water after meals twice a day.


  • Water.

Physico-chemical parameters

Loss on drying Not more than 17 per cent
Total ash Not more than 5.5 per cent
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 2 per cent
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 28 per cent
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 26 per cent
pH (1% aqueous solution) 4.45 to 4.52
