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Traikaṇṭaka Ghṛta

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Traikaṇṭaka Ghṛta is a medicated preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Gh¨ta as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition

Traikaṇṭaka (Gokṣura API) Tribulus terrestris Fr. 768 g
Jala API for decoction Water 12.29 l
reduced to 3.07 l
Elā (Sūkṣmailā API) Eletteria cardamomum Sd. 9.14 g
Girijatu (Śiĺājatu) Exd. from rock crevices 9.14 g
Śilābheda (Pāṣāṇabheda API) Bergenia ligulata Rz. 9.14 g
Yaṣṭī API Glycyrrhiza glabra Rt. 9.14 g
Varī (Śatāvarī API) Asparagus racemosus Rt. 9.14 g
Darbha API Imperata cylindrica Rt. 9.14 g
Drākṣā API Vitis vinifera Dr. Fr. 9.14 g
Ambu (Hrīvera API) Coleus vettiveroides Rt. 9.14 g
Śauṇḍī (Pippalī API) Piper longum Ft. 9.14 g
Vasuka Calotropis procera (Official substitute) Pl. 9.14 g
Vaśira (Cavya API) Piper chaba Rt. 9.14 g
Kāśa API Saccharum spontaneum Rt. 9.14 g
Ikṣu-mūla API Saccharum officinale Rt. 9.14 g
Matsyākṣikā (Matsyākṣī API) Alternanthera sessilis Pl. 9.14 g
Dugdha (Godugdha API) Cow’s milk 768 g
Ghṛta (Gogh¨ta API) Clarified butter from cow’s milk 768 g

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Wash and dry all the raw materials thoroughly.
  • Treat Ghrta to prepare Murchita Ghrta.
  • Pulverize Gokshura (kvatha dravya) to coarse powder and add 16 parts of water, heat and reduce the volume to one fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Gokshura kvatha.
  • Treat Śilājatu to prepare Śodhita Śilājatu, and keep aside for addition during snehapāka.[1]


  • A low melting Ghrta, greenish in color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Mūtra krcchra (Dysuria), Prameha (Metabolic disorders), Aśmarī (Urinary calculus), Mūtra śarkarā (Gravels in urine), Mūtra doṣa (Urinary disorders) and Mūtra dāha (Burning micturition).


  • 12 g daily in divided doses.


  • Warm water, Trna paňca mūla Kvātha, Warm milk.

Physico-chemical parameters

Refractive index at 400 1.451 to 1.452
Weight per ml at 400 0.910g to 0.930g
Saponification value 200 to 225
Iodine value 35 to 45
Acid value Not more than 4
Peroxide value Not more than 5
Congealing point 220 to 180
