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Tiktaka Ghṛta - 1

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Tiktaka Ghṛta - 1 is a Ghrta prepation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Ghrta as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition

Paṭola API Tricosanthes dioica Pl. 48 g
Nimba API Azadirachta indica St. Bk. 48 g
Kaṭukā API Picrorhiza kurroa 48 g
Dārvī (Dāruharidrā API) Berberis aristata St. 48 g
Paṭhā API Cissampelos pareira Rt. 48 g
Durālabhā (Dhanvayāsa API) Fagonia cretica Pl. 48 g
Parpaṭa API Fumaria parviflora Pl . 48 g
Trāyamāṇā API Gentiana kurroo Pl. 48 g
Jala for decoction Water 6.144 l
reduced to 768 ml
Trāyantī (Trāyamāṇā API) Gentiana kurro Pl. 12 g
Musta (Mustā API) Cyperus rotundus Rz. 12 g
Bhūnimba (Kirātatikta API) Swerita chirata Pl. 12 g
Kaliṅga (Indrayava API) Holarrhena antidysenterica Sd. 12 g
Kaṇā (Pippalī API) Piper longum Fr. 12 g
Candana (Śveta Candana API) Santalum album Ht. Wd. 12 g
Sarpi (Goghṛta API) Clarified butter from Cow s milk 576 g

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Wash, clean and dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 8 of the formulation composition, powder separately and pass through sieve number 44 (Kvātha Dravyas).
  • Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 10 to 15 of the formulation composition powder separately and pass through sieve number 85 (Kalka Dravyas).
  • Add water for decoction to the Kvātha Dravyas and soak for four hours, heat and reduce the volume to one-eighth.
  • Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Kvatha.
  • Transfer the Kalka Dravyas to the wet grinder and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare homogeneous blend.[1]


  • A light green-coloured, soft, low melting medicated fat, unctuous to touch with specific odour and bitter taste.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed container, protect from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Tṛṣṇā (Thirst), Bhrama (vertigo), Dāha (burning sensation), Parāsarpa (erysipelas), Piḍakā (Carbuncle), Pittaja Kuṣṭa (Diseases of skin due to Pitta Dosha), Kaṇḍu (itching), Pāṇḍu roga (anemia), Gaṇḍa (cervical lymphadenitis), Nāḍīvraṇa (sinus), Apacī (chronic lymphadenopathy/scrofula), Visphota (blisterous eruption), Vidradhi (abscess), Gulma (abdominal lump), Śopha (oedema), Unmāda (mania/psychosis), Meda (adipose tissue), Hṛdroga (heart disease), Timira (cataract), Vyaṅga (dark shade on face due to stress and excessive exercise, Śvitra (leucoderma/Vitiligo), Kāmāla (jaundice), Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano), Udara (diseases of abdomen), Apasm¡ra (epilepsy), Pradara (excessive vaginal discharge), Gara (slow/accumulated poison), Arśa (piles), Raktapitta (bleeding disorder).


  • 6 to 12 gm twice a day.


  • warm water.

Physico-chemical parameters

Refractive index at 40 1.467 to 1.468
Specific gravity at 40 0.965 to 0.968
Acid value Not more than 1.9
Saponification value 240 to 255
Iodine value 85 to100
Peroxide value Not more than 6.5
Congealing point 280 to180
