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The art of Retention (Kumbaka)

6,290 bytes added, 7 years ago
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(j)Never do antara kumbhaka while standing, as you may lose your balance and fall.
(k)When a reclining position, place pillows under the head to keep it higher than the torso, so that no strain is felt in the head.
(l)Do not raise the bridge of the nose in internal retention. If it moves up, the brain is caught up in the movement; it cannot then watch the trunk.
(m)Throughout the practice of pranayama, pivot the head and the cervical spine forwards upwards and downwards and the erect dorsal spine and sternum upwards. This helps the brain and cervical spinal-cord to move towards the sternum and relax the forehead. This makes the energy of the brain descend to the seat of the self.
(n)Throughout each internal retention, keep a firm grip on the diaphragm and abdominal organs. There is a tendency, whether unconscious or deliberate, to tighten and loosen them in order to hold the breath longer. Avoid this as it dissipates energy.
(o)If strain is felt in the lungs or heart, exhale, and take a few normal or deep breaths. This
refreshes the lungs to restart antara kumbhaka. If you continue after having felt the strain, you disturb the harmonious functioning of both the body and the intellect. This leads to mental imbalance.
(p)When you are able to hold the breath in internal retention for a minimum of ten to fifteen seconds you may introduce mula bandha. In the initial stages do mula bandha at the end of inhalation and retain it throughout retention.
(q)In internal retention, pull the abdominal organs in and up, and simultaneously bring the lower spine forward. Keep the trunk firm and the head, arms and legs relaxed throughout.
(r)Maintain the lift of the spine from the sacroiliac region and base of the liver and stomach throughout.
(s)Move the outer and inner spinal column forwards and upwards, rhythmically and evenly. As the spine moves anteriorly, roll the skin with it into the torso.
(t)If the skin of your slackens over the ribs, it is a sign that the breath has leaked from the lungs unwards.
(u)Do not overstretch or hollow the chest. Raise it in front of the ribs back and on both sides evenly. Hold the inner frame of the ribs firm and keep the outer body light. This will balance the body evenly and increase the duration of kumbhaka.
(v)See that the back and front intercostal muscles and the inner and outer layers on the sides move independently and uniformly.
(w)Adjust the skin of the armpits from back to front. Do not press the skin around the armpits of the chest but lift it up. If the skin of the armpits or the shoulders move up, this is a sign of tension. Release the skin and bring it down.
(x)At the end of inhalation and the start of retention the sadhaka experience a spark of divinity. He feels the oneness of body, breath and self. In this state there is no awareness that time is passing. The sadhaka experiences freedom from cause and effect. He should retain this state throughout kumbhaka.
(y)The volatile contests of a well-sealed bottle do not leak, through the bottle be shaken. The vital energy of the sadhaka does not escape when kumbhaka is done with the bandhas. The trunk is sealed at the base by contracting the anus and the perineum and lifting them up from muladhara. The sadhaka then becomes full of vigour and lusture.
(z)Beginners need pay no attention to uddiyana bandha and mula bandha until they have mastered the rhythm of breathing. Advanced pupils should do all the bandhas after mastering them individually while holding their breath.
(a)Bahya kumbhaka is of two kinds, pensive or dynamic. When pensive, it is practised without uddiyana. It is performed to keep oneself quiet and be done at any time, even after meals. When dynamic, it is done with uddiyana bandha, which massages the abdominal organs and heart and prevents dissipation of energy.
(b)Start by practising pensive exteranl retention cycles. Then concentrate on external retention with uddiyana bandha.
(c)At the beginning, after each dynamic external retention, allow some time to elapse for the lungs and abdominal organs to become normal.
(d)External retention with uddiyana should never be forced. If forced, one gasps, loses one's grip on the abdominal organs and feels a dryness in the lungs.
(e)Start external retention with uddiyana very gradually and maintain the grip of uddiyana for the same length of time in each cycle. Do six to eight cycles a day.
(f)Do a few cycles of normal or deep breathing and one external retention with uddiyana. For instance, three or four cycles of normal breathing may be followed by one external retention with uddiyana. Repeat the sequence, reducing the number of cycles of normal breathing as stability is gained by practice.
(g)While practising, follow the techniques given in paragraphs b,d,e,f,h,l,m,p,s,t,u and w of the techniques of antara kumbhaka, substituting 'bahya kumbhaka' for the words 'antara kumbhaka' wherever they occur.
(h)As one uses tweezers to remove a thorn and feels freedom from pain at once, use the intelligence as the tweezers to remove faulty grips and movements which act as thorns in practice.
(i)As the eyelids act instinctively to prevent foreign matter entering the eyes, the sadhaka should be always alert to prevent false grips, movements and habits entering into his practice of pranayama.
(j)Kumbhaka that reddens the face, burns the eyes and causes irritability is faulty. Never do kumbhaka with open eyes. Do not practise it if you have heart or chest problems, or when you are unwell.
(k)The body is the kingdom. The skin is its frontier. Its ruler is the atman, whose all seeing eye watches every detail during pranayaam.
(l)Mountain torrents dislodge rocks and gouge out canyons, yet when the energy of the flowing water is stilled and balanced against that of the rocks, each loses its seperate identity. The result is a lake, reflecting the serene beauty of the mountains round. Emotions are the torrents, while the steady intellect forms the rock. In kumbhaka both are evenly balanced and the soul is reflected in its pristine state.
(m)Consciousness wavers with the breath while kumbhaka stills and frees it from desires. The clouds disperse and the self shines like the sun.
(n)After practice of pranayama and kumbhaka realx in savasana.
== References ==

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