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Thespesia populnea - Kapītana

19 bytes added, 2 years ago
'''Hibiscus populneus Linn''' is a fast growing, medium-sized evergreen tree. It can grow upto 10 m tall. It is having yellow, cup-shaped flowers. It is distributed throughout coastal forests of India and also largely grown as a roadside tree.
{{Uses|Pleurisy}}, {{Uses|Cholera}}, {{Uses|Colic}}, {{Uses|High fevers}}, {{Uses|Herpes}}, {{Uses|Urinary tract problems}}, {{Uses|Abdominal swellings}}, {{Uses|Skin diseases}}, {{Uses|Urinary retention}}, {{Uses|Cough}}, {{Uses|Influenza}}, {{Uses|Headache}}., {{Uses|Psoriasis}}
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