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Prosopis cineraria - Indian mesquite

59 bytes added, 3 years ago
{{Flower|Bisexual|Spiciform racemes|Pale yellow|| 5-13 cm long, several together, subpaniculate; peduncle with amplexicaul bract (or 2 bracts united), this caducous and leaving an oblique scar, 1.5-2 mm long; bractlets ovate, sessile, 0.5-0.8 mm long.Flowering season is March-May}}
{{Fruit|A Pod|8 - 9 cm long|Fruit slender, elongate, 8-19 cm long (including the stipe 0.8-2 cm), subcylindric-torulose, 4-7 mm in diameter, glabrous; pericarp thin, brittle.||Fruiting season is March-May}}
===Other features===

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