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Abelmoschus esculentus - Bhenda

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==Chemical Composition==
The ripe fruits contain quercetin, hyperin (hyperoside), hydrolysate of precipitated mucilage, proanthocyanidins, D-glucose, D-glucuronic and galacturonic acids. Fresh flowers contain flavonol glycosides and anthocyanins. <ref name="Chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|sa=Bbhenda, Darvika, Gandhamula, Pitali, Tindisha, Asrapatraka, Bhinda, Bhindatika, Kasturilatika, Kshatrasambhava, Pichhila, Sushaka|en=Okra ladies Finger|hi=Bhendi, Bhindi|kn=Bende Kaayi|ml=Venda, Venta, Ventak-kaya|mr=Benda, Bhajichi-bhendi, Bhendi|ta=Ventai, Vendai, Vendaik-kay, Vendaikkai|te=Benda, Bendakaya}}
<ref name="Common names"/>
{{Leaf|Simple|Alternate|Palmately lobed, transversely orbicular, about 4-13 x 5-16 cm across, base cordate, 5-7 nerved, lobes about 3-7, ovate-oblong, ovate-triangular, with about 2-3 lobules, margins crenate-dentate, rarely entire, adpressed pubescent with stiff simple hairs both above and beneath, becoming glabrescent later, coriaceous, petiole usually longer than the leaf lamina, about 12-15 cm long, stipules filiform, sparsely hirsute, about 6-10 x 2-3 mm across. Inflorescence axillary or terminal, solitary}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|Axillary|Yellow|Many|Pedicel slender, inarticulate, about 0.5-2 cm long, epicalyx 9-12, free, base rarely connate, segments about 1 cm long, calyx 5 lobed, base connate, valvate, membranous, stellate pubescent, about 1-2.5 x 1 cm across, corolla large, 5, yellow with dark purple or pink near the centre, obovate, densely studded with bristles, about 2-3.5 x 1-1.5 cm across. Stamens indefinite, monadelphous, forming an epipetalous staminal tube united with corolla, filament short, introrse, anthers basifixed, throughout. Ovary superior, 5 locular, ovules many, style 1, stigma discoid. }}
{{Fruit|Capsule|||Ovoid-cylindric, apex beaked, dehiscent with longitudinal slits towards the base, densely hispid with simple hairs|Seed many, reniform or globose, about 3-5 mm across, villous or glabrous, black or dark brown.|}}
===Other features===
==How to plant/cultivate==
Seed - sow early spring in a warm greenhouse. The seed germinates in 27 days at 15°c or 6 days at 35°c.<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==

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