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Pongamia pinnata - Karanjah

530 bytes added, 5 years ago
{{Flower|UnisexualBisexual|215-4cm 18mm long|YellowPurplish white|5-2010|Flowers Season is June bisexual, purplish- Augustwhite, 15-18 mm long, in lax axillary racemes, axis pubescent; bracts small, cauducous. Calyx tube campanulate; minutely 5 toothed, apex truncate; corolla exserted. Petals 5, clawed; standard suborbicular with curved folds above the claw; wings obliquely oblong, slightly adnate above the claws to the obtuse keel petals which are joined near the tip. Stamens 10, monadelphous, the vexillary stamen free below and above; anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, inferior, 1-celled, ovules 2; style in curved, beardless; stigma capitate.}}
{{Fruit|Pod|7–10 mm (0.28–0.4 in-5 x 2-2.) long pome5 cm|clearly grooved lengthwise|obliquely oblong, flat, thick, pointed at both ends, Lowest hooked hairs aligned towards crown|With hooked hairsindehiscent, slightly falcate|seed one, reniform.}}
===Other features===

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