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Ayurwiki:How to Contribute

1 byte added, 8 years ago
no edit summary
== How to edit ==
Editing Ayurwiki pages is relatively simple. Classic editing through wiki markup (wikitext). Wiki markup editing is chosen by clicking the "Edit" tab at the top of a Ayurwiki page (or on a section-edit link). This will take you to a new page with a text box containing the editable text of the page you were viewing. In this box, you can type in the text that you want to add, using wiki markup to format the text and add other elements like images and tables. You should then press the Show preview button to review your contributions for any errors. After adding text and images, at the end of the content you should write on which category the information belongs to.Example"[[Category:xyz]]". This will help to filter the information file in a respective categories. When you have finished editing, write a short edit summary in the small field below the edit-box describing your changes before you press the Save page button. This will help others to understand the intention of your edit. To avoid accidentally leaving edit summaries blank, you can select "Prompt me when entering a blank edit summary" on the Editing tab of your personal preferences.

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