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37 bytes added, 6 years ago
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'''KumaaryaasavaKumāryāsava''' is a fermented liquid preparation made with ingredients in the Formulation composition given below. It contains not more than 10 per cent, and not less than 5 per cent of alcohol that is self generated in the preparation over a period of time.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Kum¡r¢ Kumārī Rasa (Kum¡r¢APIKumārī API) ||Aloe barbadensis ||Lf.|| 12.288 l
| Gu·a Guḍa API|| Jaggery|||| 4.8 kg
| Vijay¡ Vijayā (Har¢tak¢ Harītakī API) ||Terminalia chebula|| P.|| 1.2 kg
| Jala for decoction ||Water|||| 12.288 l
| Madhu API ||Honey|||| 3.072 kg
| Dh¡tak¢ Dhātakī API|| Woodfordia fructicosa|| Fl. ||768 g
| J¡t¢phala Jātīphala API|| Myristica fragrans ||Sd. ||48 g
| Lava´ga Lavaṅga API ||Syzygium aromaticum ||Fl.|| Bd. 48 g
| Ka´kola Kaṅkola API ||Piper cubeba ||Fr.|| 48 g
| Ja¶il¡ Jaṭilā (Ja¶¡m¡Æs¢ APIJaṭāmāṁsī)|| Nardostachys jatamansi|| Rz. ||48 g
| Kab¡baka Kabābaka API|| Piper cubeba ||Fr. ||48 g
| Cavya API ||Piper retrofractum|| St.|| 48 g
| Citra (Era¸·a Eraṇḍa API) ||Ricinus communis|| Rt.|| 48 g
| J¡tipatr¢ Jātipatrī (J¡t¢phala Jātīphala API)|| Myristica fragrans|| Ar. ||48 g
| Karka¶a Karkaṭa (Karka¶a¿¤´g¢ Karkaṭaśṛṅgi API) ||Pistacia integerrima ||Gl.|| 48 g
| AkÀa Akṣa (Bibh¢taka Bibhītaka API) ||Terminalia belerica|| P. ||48 g
| PuÀkaram£la Puṣkaramūla (PuÀkara Puṣkara API)|| Inula racemosa|| Rt||. 48 g
| M¤ta áulva Mṛta śulva (T¡mra Tāmra API)|| bhasma Calcined ||T¡mra ||48 g
| M¤ta Mṛta Loha (Lauha API)|| bhasma Calcined|| Lauha ||24 g
*Take the raw materials of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash, clean and extract juice from the ingredient number 1 of the formulation composition.
*Wash, dry and powder the ingredient numbered 3 ([[KvāthaDravya]] Dravya) of the formulation composition and pass through the sieve number 44 to obtain coarse powder.*Clean, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 7 to 17 ([[Prakshepa Dravya]]) of the formulation composition individually and pass through the sieve number 85 to obtain fine powder.
*Prepare Bhasma of the ingredients numbered 18 and 19 of the formulation composition.
*Add specified amounts of water to the [[KvāthaDravya]] Dravya, soak overnight, heat, reduce to one eighth and filter through muslin cloth to obtain [[Kvātha]].<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
==Therapeutic uses==
*Gulma (abdominal lump), Kasa Kāsa (cough), shvasa Śvāsa (asthma), Arsya Arśa (piles), Vatavyadhi Vātavyādhi (neurological diseases), Apasmara Apasmāra (epilepsy), Kshaya Kṣaya (pthisis); Udara (abdominal diseases), Manyaroga Manyāroga (diseases of neck region), Agnimandya Agnimāndya (digestive impairment), Kosthastla Koṣṭhaśūla (abdominal pain Nashtapushpa ) Naṣṭa puṣpa (menopause).

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