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'''Uttanasana (OOH-tah-NAH-sah-nah)[needs IPA] (Sanskrit: उत्तानासन; IAST: uttānāsana), ''' Intense Forward-Bending Pose, Intense Stretch Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Standing Forward Fold Pose, or Standing Head to Knees Pose is an asana.
== Etymology Technique==# Begin with Tadasana, the upright pose. Stand straight with your arms actively resting on the sides of your thighs.# Keeping your breathing in check, without bending your knees, bend forward using your hip joints and not your waist.# If you are unable to touch the ground with your hands, cross your forearms and hold your elbows until you attain flexibility.# If you are moderately flexible, try to grip the back of your ankles and bring your head to touch your knees.# If your flexibility is above average, you may rest your palms on the mat and try to reach your head below the knee.# Beginners may hold the position for about 10 seconds. Intermediate and advanced practitioners may stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute in Uttanasana.# Breathe only through the nostrils, gently and normally, throughout the pose.# Inhale while coming back up to the starting position and exhale to relax.<ref name="Technique"/>
The name comes from the Sanskrit wordsUd (उद्; ud) = prefix for verbs or nouns, indicating superiority =Technique in location, rank, power, intensityTana (तान; tāna) pictures/animation= "stretched"Uttana (उत्तान; uttāna) = "intense stretch" or "straight" or "stretched", andAsana (आसन; āsana) meaning "posture" or "seat".
== Description ==
The asana consists of standing with feet together, then hinging forward from ==Effects==* Stretches the hips, letting hamstrings, and calves* Strengthens the head hangthighs and knees* Keeps your spine strong and flexible* Reduces stress, anxiety, depression, with palms placed flat on and fatigue* Calms the mind and soothes the nerves* Relieves tension in the floor near spine, neck, and back* Activates the feet.abdominal muscles<ref name="Effects"/>
== Murghasana - Advance version of Uttanasana Related Asanas==* [[Adho Mukha Svanasana]]* [[Janu Sirsasana]]* [[Paschimottanasana]]
Yoga has an ancient history of ancient India. Most of the words are drived from Hindi Language. Murgha in Hindi means Cock/Hen. Murghasana is also called Hen Posture. In ==Special requisites==Avoid this variation asana if you have the Yogi has to bend down, Pass arms between legs and hold her ear lobes with thumb and index fingers, in easy words, holding ears lobes while in uttanasana posture. This posture is very good for blood circulation on brain and face. It removes untimely wrinkles, sharps memory and brings glow to your face.following problems:
An average yogi can easily hold this posture up to 2-3 minutes but yogis with practice can increase their time up to 15minutes as well.* A lower back injuryAnatomical focus* A tear in the hamstrings* Sciatica* Glaucoma or a detached retina
The asana provides ==Initial practice notes==As a complete beginner, it might be hard to increase the stretch to . To make it easier, gently bend your knees, and imagine the sacrum sinking deep into the entire back part of the body, particularly the hamstringspelvis.<ref name="Initial practice notes"/>
== Contraindications and cautions References==
This asana has been criticized by some practitioners <references> <ref name="Technique">[ kinesiology, physical therapy, and others, who recommend a seated rather than -uttanasana-standing -forward -bend./ "Methodology"]</ref>
<ref name== Alternative asana =="Initial practice notes">[’sTip "Beginers tips"]</ref>
Paschimottanasana is a safer, sitting variant of this frontbend which relies more upon active flexibility of the muscles in its later stages<ref name="Effects">[http://www. It is more difficult to attain similar flexibility since gravity cannot passively aid the stretch as much as in Uttanasanacnyhealingarts. Once com/2011/03/14/the hands are able to bear more and more weight in Uttanasana it becomes safer and the difference in safety and customizability becomes less. Although it could be argued that Paschimottasana is not a safe -health-benefits-of-uttanasana-standing-forward -bend for the back as the pelvis can become locked and tight hamstrings add excessive pull on lower back via pelvic sit bones.-pose/ "Health benefits"]</ref>
== Variations ==</references>
This asana has a very large number of ==External Links==* [ -and associated techniques.-their-health-benefits/]*Ardha Uttanasana (Sanskrit[https: अर्धउत्तानासन; IAST: ardhauttānāsana)//]*Niralamba Uttanasana*Parsva Bhaga Uttanasana*Purna Uttanasana*Tiryang[ Uttanasanapose/ Ananda Balasana on]

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