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Artocarpus hirsutus - Wild Jack, Jungle Jack

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Leaves simple, {{Leaf|Simple|lanceolate|alternate, spiral, clustered at twigs end; stipules to 2.5 cm long, lanceolate, tawny hirsute, caducous, leaving annular scar; petiole 1.3-3 cm long, stout, subterete or planoconvex, hirsute; lamina 10-30.5 x 5-14 cm, usually ovate to broadly elliptic, apex subacute or shortly acuminate, base rounded or subacute, margin entire or undulate (lobed when young), coriaceous, drying brown, densely hirsute beneath when young, later become glabrous except on midrib and nerves; midrib flat above; secondary nerves 10-12 pairs, ascending; tertiary nerves broadly reticulo-percurrent}}.<ref name="Leaf"/>
Flowers unisexual; {{Flower|Unisexual|14cm long|Pendulous, Ovoid||male flowers in axillary spikes, pendulous, 14 cm long; female flowers in axillary spikes, ovoid}}
{{Fruit|||Syncarp (sorosis), subglobose or ellipsoid with long echinate processes, orange when ripe; |seeds many, ovoid.|}}
===Other features===

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