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Pavonia odorata - Baalaka, Sugandha bala

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Pavonia odorata in Talakona forest, AP W IMG 8604.jpg

Pavonia odorata is an erect herb. Covered with sticky hairs.


Lumbago, Sprains, Headache, Ulcers, Oily skin, Desentery, Fever[1]

Parts Used

Root, Leaf.[2]

Chemical Composition


Common names

Language Common name
Kannada Balarakshi gida
Hindi Sugandhabala
Malayalam Iruveli, Kuruntotti
Tamil Peramutti, Avibattam
Telugu Chittibenda, Ettakuti
Marathi Sugandhabala, Kalavala
Gujarathi Kalowalo
Punjabi NA
Kashmiri NA
Sanskrit Udichya, Varinamaka
English Fragrant Swamp Mallow, Pavonia



Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.









[[:Category:Habit - |]]



Kind Shape Feature
Ovate Heart shaped 3-5 angled



Type Size Color and composition Stamen More information
Singly Flowering from November to December {{{5}}}


Type Size Mass Appearance Seeds More information
Spherical Mericarps Mericaprs are smooth and wingless

Other features

List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used

Where to get the saplings

Mode of Propagation

[[:Category:Index of Plants which can be propagated by |]]

How to plant/cultivate


Commonly seen growing in areas

[[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]], [[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]], [[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]], [[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]], [[:Category:Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of |]].

Photo Gallery


  1. Jump up Indian Medicinal Plants by C.P.Khare
  2. Jump up ”Karnataka Medicinal Plants Volume-3” by Dr.M. R. Gurudeva, Page No.756, Published by Divyachandra Prakashana, #6/7, Kaalika Soudha, Balepete cross, Bengaluru
  3. Jump up [Chemistry]
  4. Jump up Common names
  5. Jump up Kappatagudda - A Repertoire of Medicianal Plants of Gadag by Yashpal Kshirasagar and Sonal Vrishni, Page No. 296
  6. Jump up [Cultivation]

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