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Albizia lebbeck - Shirisha

54 bytes added, 2 years ago
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{{Flower|Bisexual|3.5-3.7 cm long|Greenish-white|Many|Solitary or 2-4 together in axillary corymbose racemes; peduncle 6-8 cm; bracts linear, cauducous; Pedicels to 3 mm.Flowering from March to May}}
{{Fruit|A pod| 20-30 x 4-5 cm|Flat, oblong, compressed, straw coloured, base and apex obtuse, turgid above the seeded region|Seeds 8-12, 6-10 x 5-8 mm, ovate, dull dark brown, flattened.|Fruiting from March to May}}
===Other features===

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