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Acacia farnesiana - Vitkhadira

3,624 bytes added, 5 years ago
Created page with "thumb|right|''Arimeda'', ''Acacia farnesiana'' '''Arimeda''' is a small, spiny, much-branched, deciduous shrub or tree with a wide, low crown..."
[[File:Acaciafarnesiana1web.jpg|thumb|right|''Arimeda'', ''Acacia farnesiana'']]
'''Arimeda''' is a small, spiny, much-branched, deciduous shrub or tree with a wide, low crown; it can grow 2 - 7 metres tall. The short, crooked bole can be 15 - 35cm in diameter. The plant can form dense, spiny thickets. A multipurpose tree with a wide range of uses as a food, medicine, perfume and source of materials.

{{Uses|Oral problems}}, {{Uses|Diarrhea}, {{Uses|Inflammation}}, {{Uses|Cough}}, {{Uses|Itching}}, {{Uses|Urinary tract disorders}}
<ref name="Uses"/>

==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Stem}}, {{Parts Used|Bark}}, {{Parts Used|Heartwood}}

==Chemical Composition==

==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=byadala gida, jaali, kashturi, karijali, kasturi jaali|ml=kariveelum, pauvelam, pikharu-vil|sa=arimedah, godhaskanda, kalaskandha, Vitkhadir|ta=arimetam, kacappuppivelamaram, kasturivel, kirimetam, peyvel|te=arimidamu, kampu tumma, kasthoori thumma, murikitumma, piyyathumma|hi=durgandhakhair, gandhi-babul, guhbabul, pissibabul|en=cassie}}
<ref name="Common names"/>

Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.

Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
Laghu (Light), Rooksha (Dry)
Sheeta (cold)
Katu (Pungent)
Pitta, Kapha

{{Habit|Shrub or small tree}}

{{Leaf|Bipinnate|alternate|Leaves ca. 5 in a cluster, 2-7 cm; pinnae 5 pairs, 1-2.5 cm; leaflets 10-15 pairs, elliptic, 5 x 1 mm, overlapping, glabrous, base truncate, margin entire, apex obtuse; nerves prominent below; petiole to 1.5 cm, with a gland near the middle; rachis stiff-pubescent, eglandular; stipular thorns unequal, to 2 cm, straight.}}<ref name="Leaf"/>

{{Flower|Bisexual|axillary globose heads|yellow|Many|Flower-heads globose, 8 mm across, 2 or 3 in axillary cluster, to 2 cm; peduncle densely stiff-pubescent, with involucel of bracteoles at the base. Flowers 2 mm across. Calyx-tube 5-toothed, to 1.5 mm. Petals 5, yellow, to 2 mm. Stamens numerous, to 4 mm, basally connate. Ovary stipitate, terete, to 1 mm; style to 3 mm. }}

{{Fruit|A Pod|5 x 0.5 cm|pulpy, turgid, glabrous, obtuse at apices, horned||seeds 20 or more, globose, 0.5 mm, 2-seriate. }}

===Other features===

==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==

==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
{{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}.

==How to plant/cultivate==

===Season to grow===

===Soil type===


==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Tropical area}}{{Commonly seen|Sub tropical areas}}

==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
File:Acacia farnesiana az.jpg
File:Acfa 002 lhp.jpg
File:A. farnesiana-fruto-1.JPG



<ref name="Uses">[ "Uses"]</ref>

<ref name="Leaf">[http://FLOWERING PLANTS OF KERALA VER.2, N. Sasidharan "BOTANIC DESCRIPTION"]</ref>
<ref name="Common names">[ "Vernacular names"]</ref>


==External Links==


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