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Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana

1,501 bytes added, 6 years ago
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Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana is an Asana{{stub}}==Technique==#Lie flat on your back. It is translated Keep your feet together and hands by the side of your hips.#Fold your knees and bring your heels closer to your sitting bones. Place your heels flat on the floor. Keep some distance between your heels.#Bend your elbows and press your palms on the floor. Make sure your palms are comfortably placed next to your head and your fingers are pointing toward your shoulders. The distance between your palms should be the same as One Legged Inverted Staff Pose from Sanskritthe distance between your feet.#Press your feet and palms against the floor. Exhale and gradually lift your hips off the floor. Let your arms and legs support your body weight equally.#Push with your arms and legs to bring the crown of your head upon the floor.#Interlace your fingers behind your head and broaden your shoulder blades.#Inhale and lift your chest towards the ceiling. #Exhale and slowly walk each leg out in front of your body until they are almost straight.#Focus in between your eyebrows and breathe normally.#Inhale and lift your right leg straight up.#Stay in this pose for 3 to 6 long breaths.
The name of this pose comes from "eka" meaning "one", "pada" meaning "leg", "viparita" meaning "inverted", "danda" meaning "staff" and "asana" meaning "posture" or "seat".==Technique in pictures/animation==
== Benefits Effects== *Calms the mind.#It stimulates the internal organs*Relieves stress, anxiety and depression.#Promotes *Improves concentration and sense of balance.#*Increases spinal flexibilitylung capacity.#*Stretches abdominalsand strengthens the spine, legs, shoulders, arms and wrists.#The front of *Massages the thighsabdominal organs. *Improves digestion.*Recommended for people with infertility, asthma, back pain and osteoporosis.<ref name="Effects"/>
==Related Asanas==
== cautions ==
==Special requisites==  ==Initial practice notes==  ==References== <references>   <ref name="Effects">[ "Health Benefits"]</ref> </references> ==External Links==*Be careful while doing this [ if you have any spinal injuries or high blood pressure-open-your-heart-open-your-mind/ Dandasana on]* [ Dandasana on]

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