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Daṣamūla Ghṛta

76 bytes added, 6 years ago
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==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Bilva API ||[[Aegle marmelos ]] ||St.Bk. ||307.6 g
| Śyonāka API ||[[Oroxylum indicum]].|| St.Bk.|| 307.6 g
| Gambhārī API ||[[Gmelina arborea ]] ||St.Bk. ||307.6 g
| Pāṭalā API ||[[Stereospermum suaveolens]]|| St.Bk.|| 307.6 g
| Agnimantha API ||[[Premna integrifolia]](Official substitute)||St.Bk. ||307.6 g
| Śālaparṇī API ||[[Desmodium gangeticum ]] ||Pl. ||307.6 g
| Pṛśniparṇī API|| [[ Uraria picta]]|| Pl. ||307.6 g
| Bṛhatī API ||[[Solanum indicum ]]||Pl.|| 307.6 g
| Kaṇṭakārī API ||[[Solanum xanthocarpum ]] ||Pl. ||307.6 g
| Gokṣura API ||[[Tribulus terrestris]]|| Fr. ||307.6 g
| Jala API for decoction|| Water || ||12.29
| Ghṛta (Goghṛta API)|| Clarified butter from cow’s milk|| || 768 g
| Puṣkarāhvā (Puṣkara API)|| [[Inula racemosa]]|| Rt.|| 12 g
| Śaṭī (Śaṭi API) ||[[Hedychium spicatum ]] ||Rz. ||12 g
| Bilva API ||[[Aegle marmelos]]|| St.Bk.|| 12 g
| Surasā (Tulasī API)|| [[Ocimum sanctum ]] ||Pl. ||12 g
| Śuṇṭhī API ||[[Zingiber officinale ]] ||Rz. ||12 g
| Marica API ||[[Piper nigrum]]|| Fr. ||12 g
| Pippalī API ||[[Piper longum]]|| Fr.|| 12 g
| Hiṇgu API ||[[Śuddha Ferula foetida ]] ||Exd. ||12 g
*Clean and dry all the herbal raw materials thoroughly before pulverization.
*Treat Ghrta to prepare Mūrchita Ghrta.
*Pulverize ingredients numbered 1 to 10 ([[Kvātha dravya]]), to coarse powder, add 4 parts of water, keep for four hours, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Dashamoola kvātha.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>

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