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Sida cordata - Bhumibala

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[[File:Sida cordata (6188338792).jpg|thumb|right|'' Bhumibala'', ''Sida cordata'']]
 '''Bhumibala''' or '''Sida cordata''' is a perennial plant producing more or less herbaceous, procumbent stems up to 1 metre long from a woody rootstock.The plant is harvested from the wild for local medicinal use / Ayurvedic medicine and source of fibre.The juice of the plant is applied to boils and pimples.The root is tonic. The juice of the root is used to treat indigestion. A paste of the root is applied as a poultice to remove pus from boils and wounds. It is also used in the treatment of gonorrhoea and other venereal diseases.The juice of the leaves is used to treat cuts and wounds.
{{Uses|boilsPimples}}, {{Uses|pimplesIndigestion}}, {{Uses|indigestionBoils}}, {{Uses|boilsWounds}}, {{Uses|woundsGonorrhoea}}, {{Uses|gonorrhoea}}, {{Uses|venereal Venereal diseases}}, {{Uses|cutsCuts}}.<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|barkLeaf}}., {{Parts Used|Root}}<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>
==Chemical Composition==
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=Bekkinathale Gida, Bekkina thale gida|ml=Palkurunthotti, Vallikurunthotti, Nela-vaga|sa=Bhumibala, Nagabala|ta=Kurunthotti, Palampaci|te=Gayapuvaku, Benda, Tirunala|hi=Bhyunli, Bananiyar, Andiobal|en=Heart leaf}}<ref name="Common names"/> ==Properties==Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.===Dravya=== ===Rasa===Tikta (Bitter), Madhura (Sweet)===Guna===Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Unctuous)===Veerya===Shita (Cooling)===Vipaka===Madhura (Sweet)===Karma=== ===Prabhava===
{{Habit|perennial Perennial herb}}
{{Leaf|Cordate|ovateOvate|Leaves areacute are acute or acuminate, serrate}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|UnisexualBisexual|2-4cm longAxillary, solitary|Yellow|5|axillaryPedicels to 2 cm long, filiform, solitary or in clusters at the ends of articulated above the branchesmiddle. Flowering from October to November}}
{{Fruit|GloboseSchizocarp|7–10 |2.5 mm long; mericarps 5, to 3 x 2 mm (0.28–0.4 |Trigonous with rounded angles, apex shortly 2-beaked, completely enclosed in.) accrescent calyx|Seeds are 2 mm long pome|clearly grooved lengthwise, Lowest hooked hairs aligned towards crownreniform, brownish-black|Fruiting Time season is October - to November|Seeds brown}}
===Other features===
==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==
* [[Vishatinduka TailaManasaamritha Vatika]] as ''root juice extract''<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>
==Where to get the saplings==
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Scrub, grassy Grassy roadsides in china}}, {{Commonly seen|Uncultivated land}}, {{Commonly seen|undergrowth Undergrowth in forest}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<ref name="chemical composition">[ Phytochemistry]</ref><ref name="PhytochemistryLeaf">[ Plant description]</ref> <ref name="LeafHow to plant/cultivate">[http://wwwherbalistics.efloraofgandhinagarcom.inau/herbproduct/sida-cordata cordifolia-bala-seed/ Care and Cultivation]</ref><ref name="eflora of gandinagarCommon names"]>Karnataka Medicinal Plants Volume - 2 by Dr.M. R. Gurudeva, Page No. 475</ref>
<ref name="How to plant/cultivateKarnataka Medicinal Plants">[http://herbalistics"Karnataka Medicinal Plants Volume - 2" by Dr.M.comR. Gurudeva, Page No.478, Published by Divyachandra Prakashana, #45, Paapannana Tota, 1st Main road, Basaveshwara Nagara, "Care and Cultivation"]</ref>
==External Links==
* []* [ cordata on flowers of india]* [ cordata on world seed supply]* ['BALA'_Plant_Sida_cordifolia_L_Malvaceae_With_Special_Reference_to_Its_Propagation_TechniqueMicro-Morphological Study of 'BALA' Plant]

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