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[[File:Azima tetracantha 01 ies.jpg|thumb|right|''Trikantajata'', ''Azima tetracantha'']]
'''Trikantajata''' is a much-branched, spiny, evergreen shrub growing from 0.5 - 3 metres tall. Usually erect with arching branches, the plant sometimes adopts a more climbing habit. The spines are axillary, in pairs up to 4cm long. The plant is harvested from the wild mainly for local use as a medicine.
{{Uses|Brochitis}}, {{Uses|Cough}}, {{Uses|Asthma}}, {{Uses|Diabetes}}, {{Uses|Diarrhea}}, {{Uses|Arthritis}}
==Chemical Composition==
The leaves contain the alkaloids azimine, azcarpine and carpine. <ref name="Chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=aesagale Aesagale maale, bilee Bilee uppina gida, ganjimulluGanjimullu, yagachi Yagachi mullu|ml=sankunkuppiSankunkuppi|sa=kantangurKantangur, kundaliKundali, trikantajataTrikantajata|ta=ancirikaccetiAncirikacceti, anjiAnji, atiyamamAtiyamam, cankakiranamCankakiranam, mulluchanguMulluchangu, kandagachangamKandagachangam|te=mundla Mundla kampa, puttuPuttu, tella Tella uppi|hi=kantaKanta-gur-kamai|en=}}<ref name="Common names"/>
{{Leaf|Simple|Opposite|spine Spine axillary, usually 4, straight, to 2.5 cm, grooved, branchlets tetragonous, pubescent. Leaves opposite, 3 x 2 cm, ovate, mucronate, base obtuse, margin thickened, coriaceous, nerves 3 pairs near the base; petiole to 5 mm.}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|unisexualUnisexual|axillary Axillary and terminal spike|Pale yellow|4|10 cm long; flowers clustered, white, unisexual; bracts 2 x 1 mm, ovate, mucronate, pubescent; calyx 1 mm, campanulate, bilobed, pubescent; petals 4, 2 x 1 mm, oblong; stamens 4, free, alternating with petals, filaments 1 mm, anthers 1 mm, pistillode absent.}}