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[[File:Cannabis sativa plant (4).JPG|thumb|right|''Bahuvadini'', ''Cannabis'']]
'''Bahuvadini''' or '''Cannabis sativa''' is an annual herbaceous plant in the Cannabis genus, a species of the Cannabaceae family. People have cultivated Cannabis sativa throughout recorded history as a source of industrial fibre, seed oil, food, recreation, religious and spiritual moods, and medicine. Each part of the plant is harvested differently, depending on the purpose of its use.
{{Uses|Cancer}}, {{Uses|Glaucoma}}, {{Uses|HIV/AIDS}}, {{Uses|Muscle spasms}}, {{Uses|Seizures}}, {{Uses|Severe pain}}, {{Uses|Severe nausea}}.
==Chemical Composition==
Most varieties contain cannabinol and cannabinin; Egyptian variety contains cannabidine, cannabol and cannabinol, their biological activity being due to the alcohols and phenolic compounds. Resin contains crystalline compound cannin. Cannabis yields 421 chemicals of various classes—cannabinoids, cannabispirans and alkaloids. More than 60 cannabinoids have been isolated, the most important one is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).<ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=bhangiBhangi, bhangi Bhangi gida|ml=cherukanchavaCherukanchava, ginjilachilachiGinjilachilachi|sa=bahuvadiniBahuvadini, bangaBanga|ta=alatamAlatam, ananta Ananta muli|te=bangiaakuBangiaaku, bangiakuBangiaku, gaanja Gaanja chettu|hi=bhangBhang, ganjaGanja, charasCharas|en=Marijuana, Hemp, Gallow grass}}
{{Leaf|alternateAlternate|stipulateStipulate|long Long petiolate, palmate, with 3-11, rarely single, lanceolate, serrate, acuminate leaflets up to 10 cm long, 1.5 cm broad}}.<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|monoeciousMonoecious|2.5 cm long|yellowishYellowish|5 poricidal stamens|the female flowers germinate in the axils and terminally, with one 1-ovulate ovary; fruit a brown, shining achene, variously marked or plain, tightly embracing the seed with its fleshy endosperm and curved embryo, Flowering season is summer.}}
{{Fruit|short Short legume|7-9 cm|late Late summer to early fall; year round in tropics|Seeds weigh 1.5-2.5 gm/100 seeds.}}
===Other features===
==How to plant/cultivate==
Propagation mainly by seed. Experimentally, drug plants have been propagated from cuttings but such plants do not come true as to drug content of parent. Seeds stored in cool, dry place remain viable for up to two years. Hemp seed sown as early in spring as possible. Before sowing, land is plowed (in fall) several times to a depth of about 20-23 cm and repeatedly harrowed the land. In spring the land is harrowed again and rolled, making a firm tilth over the entire surface. In some areas a first plowing is done in the fall and red clover or lupin planted; in January or February a second plowing turns these under as a green-manure<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==