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455 bytes added, 6 years ago
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==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"| Dr¡kÀ¡ API ||Vitis vinifera|| Dr. Fr. ||768 g|-| Ka¸¡ (Pippal¢) API|| Piper longum|| Fr.|| 768 g|-| áarkar¡ API ||Sugar ||||2.800 kg|-| Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢) API|| Glycyrrhiza glabra|| Rt.|||| 96 g|-| áu¸¶h¢ API ||Zingiber officinale|| Rz.|| 96 g|-| TvakkÀ¢r¢ (VaÆ¿a API)|| Bambusa arundinacea|| S.C.|| 96 g|-| Dh¡tr¢ (Ëmalak¢)|| Phalarasa Embelica officinalis|| P. ||12.288 l|-| Madhu Honey 768 g|}
==Method of preparation==

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