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Traikaṇṭaka Ghṛta

86 bytes added, 6 years ago
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*Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash and dry all the raw materials thoroughly.
*Treat Ghrta to prepare Mūrchita [[Murchita]] Ghrta.*Pulverize Gokshura (kvātha [[kvatha dravya]]) to coarse powder and add 16 parts of water, heat and reduce the volume to one fourth. Filter with muslin cloth to obtain Gokshura kvātha[[kvatha]].*Treat Śilājatu to prepare Śodhita Śilājatu (Appendix, and keep aside for addition during snehapāka.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/> ==Description==* A low melting Gh¨ta, greenish in color with pleasant odour and bitter taste.

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