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'''Vata''' (''Vayu'') is the air element. Vayu is responsible for Micro to macro level movementsin body, hence it generates motion and vitality in the body. Vayu is responsible for nervous function. It controls the mind, the senses and motor organs. Vayu also stimulates digestive enzymes for digestion. The serotas - ''strotas'' (circulatory channels in of the body ) are made of vayu. Communication between various organs is also due to vayu. Without the vayu dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha becomes ineffectivedue to immobility. The elimination of wastes (malas) , Flow of menstrual Blood, Holding of Conception products and Discharge of fetus at appropriate Time is also due to vayu.
Being active and mobile, the vayu dosha can transport other doshas to various parts of the body, where they are not required, increasing their levels and causing imblanceimbalance.
Hence many ailments are due to vayu dosha. The maladies caused only due to the disturbances in the vayu dosha are 80 in number.<ref name="Brief"/>
==General Description==
Vata provides the essential motion for all bodily processes and is extremely vital for health. On an annual basis, vatais vata is most prominent in the fall and at the change of seasons, and these are the most important times to be careful of diet and lifestyle. One purpose of lifestyle considerations is stabilize this the motionof Vayu. Routine is very useful in assisting the vata individual to effectively ground all this moving energy. <ref name="General Description"/>
==General guidelines for balancing vata==
*Keep a regular routine
*Get plenty of rest
*Not to suppress Natural Urges
==Foods to be favoured==

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