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Ballota nigra - Black horehound

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[[File:Ballota nigra 2005.06.19 10.13.06-p6190007.jpg|thumb|right|''Ballota nigra'']]
Ballota nigra (black horehound) is a perennial herb of the family Lamiaceae. It is native to the Mediterranean region and to central Asia, and it can be found throughout Europe. It is also naturalized in Argentina, New Zealand, and the Eastern United States. It blooms in the Northern Hemisphere from May to August.
{{Uses|nervous Nervous dyspepsia}}, {{Uses|travelling Travelling sickness}}, {{Uses|morning Morning sickness in pregnancy}}, {{Uses|arthritisArthritis}}, {{Uses|goutGout}}.
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|flowerFlower}}.
==Chemical Composition==
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=āvarikeAvarike|ml=|sa=Aaavartaki|ta=āvāraiAvarai|te=taṃgēḍuTaṃgēḍu|hi=Tarwar|en=Avaram senna}}
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Waste ground}}, {{Commonly seen|hedgerowsHedgerows}}, {{Commonly seen|shady Shady places}}, {{Commonly seen|preferring Preferring nitrogen-rich}}, {{Commonly seen|moistMoist}}
==Photo Gallery==

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