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609 bytes added, 6 years ago
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==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"|Ka°phala API|| Myrica nagi ||St Bk.|| 1 part|-|Pau¾kara (Pu¾kara API) ||Inula racemosa|| Rt. ||1 part|-|Ś¨¬gī (Karka°as¨¬gī API) ||Pistacia integerrima ||Gl. ||1 part|-|Yamānī (Yavānī API)|| Trachyspermum ammi ||Fr.|| 1 part|-|Kāravī (K¨¾´ajīraka API)|| Carum carvi|| Fr. ||1 part|-| Śu´°hī API ||Zingiber officinale ||Rz. ||1 part|-|Marīca API ||Piper nigrum ||Fr. ||1 part|-|Pippalī API|| Piper longum|| Fr. |||1 part|-|Madhu API ||Honey || ||12 parts|-|Ārdraka API (Svarasa)|| Zingiber officinale ||Fresh juice of Rz. Q.S.for Bhāvana|||}
==Method of preparation==
*Wash, dry and powder the ingredients 1 to 8 separately and pass through sieve number 85.

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