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Borassus flabellifer - Talah

526 bytes removed, 4 years ago
{{Leaf|Simple|Palmate|Leaves plicately multifid; leaflets 60-80, induplicate, apex acuminate; petiole stout, spinous, base broad, split. Spadices interfoliar, large, dioecious, branched; peduncle sheathed with open spathes. }}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Unisexual||||Male flowers small, clustered; bracts scaly, secund, overlapping. Sepals 3, oblong, to 3 mm. Petals 3, obovate-spathulate, to 2 mm. Stamens 6; anthers to 1 mm; pistillodes small, bristly. Female flowers large, globose. Perianth fleshy, accrescent. Sepals reniform, imbricate. Petals smaller, convolute. Ovary globose, entire or 3-or-1-cleft, 3-or 4-celled; ovules basal; stigmas 3, sessile, recurved; staminodes 6-9.}}

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