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Comprehensive mudras

1,499 bytes added, 7 years ago
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'''Knowledge of mudras can prove to be of immense help in the progress and protection of the entire human race'''.
== Mudras in the present context ==
*Mudras are an excellent alternative therapy.
*Mudras are not only therapeutic but also prevent aliments. They are very effective.
*Modern medicines can be double edged swords. They have an immediate impact but can have side effects too. They are very expansive, whereas, mudras therapy is cost free.
*Mudras are natural, simple and gentle, they miraculous.
*Though mudras is a delicate therapy, we can regain our health without any difficulty.
*There is no medication in mudras. Therefore there is no reaction of chemicals.
*There are no ultra sophisticated instruments involved.
*Mudras can be performed by self so they are independent and we need to depend on any body for treatment.
*Mudras being universal they can performed anywhere and anytime and by any body.
*Mudras cure all kinds of illnesses simple or serious.
*By performing mudras one can utilize time profitably and can attain radiant health.
*Mudras help people who are entirely new to it. They help young children and even insane people so the question of belief does not arise.
*Mudras even help semi conscious or unconscious people. Rubber bands can be used to maintain thums and fingers in specific positions.
*Many doctors and researchers have approved mudras and they have faith in this technique. ('Health at your fingertips' by Dr, Dhiren Gala). Everyone needs to practise mudras with open mind.
*Mudras seem to be simple, but then so are all the basic things in life. Aren't they?

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