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Datura metel - Dhatura

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[[File:Brugmansia metel syn Datura.png|thumb|right|''Dhatura'', ''Datura metel'']]
'''Dhatura''' is a toxic shrub that can be found growing on roadsides and wastelands. Although toxic, thorn apple is a popular traditional medicine and is commonly harvested from the wild for local use. It is sold in markets, both for traditional use and as a source of compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. The plant is also used as a pesticide and repellent. It is often grown as an ornamental in tropical to temperate areas of the world, particularly types with double flowers and purple flowers. 
{{Uses|Inflammation}}, {{Uses|Skin disorders}}, {{Uses|Asthma}}, {{Uses|fever}}, {{Uses|Arthritis}}, {{Uses|Wound healing}}
{{Leaf|Simple|alternateAlternate|Leaves entire or angled with acute lobes, c. 12 x 8 cm, ovate, base oblique, apex acute or acuminate; petiole to 6 cm long. Flowers solitary in axil, erect; pedicels 1-1.5 cm long. Calyx 6-8 cm long, tubular, 5-lobed, minutely pubescent}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|axillaryAxillary|Creamy white|5|Corolla creamy-white, c. 15 cm long, funnel-shaped; teeth 5, cuspidate. Stamens 5, attached towards the base of corolla tube, included, subequal; filaments hairy at base}}
{{Fruit|A capsule|3 cm|sphericalSpherical, covered with short spines, dehiscence irregular.| Seeds compressed, c. 5 mm long, smooth, brown.|}}
===Other features===

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