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Sida cordata - Bhumibala

229 bytes removed, 3 years ago
{{Leaf|Cordate|ovateOvate|Leaves are acute or acuminate, serrate}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|Axillary, solitary|Yellow|5|pedicels Pedicels to 2 cm long, filiform, articulated above the middle. Calyx c. 5 mm long, campanulate, divided to the middle, stellate-tomentose without; lobes 5, triangular. Corolla 8-10 mm across, yellow; petals to 6 x 5 mm, obovate, apex rounded or slightly emarginate. Staminal column c. 2 mm long; anthers numerous, yellow. Ovary c. 2 mm across, subglobose; styles 5; stigmas 5, globose, yellowish.}}
{{Fruit|Schizocarp||2.5 mm long; mericarps 5, to 3 x 2 mm|trigonous Trigonous with rounded angles, apex shortly 2-beaked, completely enclosed in accrescent calyx|Seeds c. 2 mm long, reniform, brownish-black.}}
===Other features===

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