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Buchanania cochinchinensis - Priyala

575 bytes removed, 4 years ago
{{Leaf|Simple|alternateAlternate|petiole Petiole 12-22 mm, stout, glabrous; lamina 10-23.5 x 5-12 cm, broadly oblong, base round or acute, apex obtuse or emarginate, margin entire, glabrous above and densely tomentose beneath, coriaceous; lateral nerves 10-20 pairs, pinnate, prominent, pubescent, secondary laterals prominent, intercostae reticulate, prominent. }}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|Terminal and axillary panicles|Greenish white|5|calyx lobes 5, persistent; petals 5, oblong, reflexed, pilose; stamens 10, inserted at the base of fleshy disc; filaments free, glabrous; disc cupular, 5 lobed, pilose; carpels 5-6, free, superior, tomentose, 4 reduced to thread like processes, one fertile, ovule one, pendulous; style lateral; stigma truncate. }}
{{Fruit|A drupe|10-13 x 8 mm|oblongOblong, laterally compressed, black; stone hard, 2 valved; seed one.||}}
===Other features===

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