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'''AshokaarishtaAśokāriṣṭa''' is a fermented liquid preparation, made with the ingredients in Formulation composition given below. It contains not more than 10 per cent, and not less than 5 per cent of alcohol that is self generated in the preparation over a period of time.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| A¿oka Aśokā API ||[[Saraca asoca]]|| St. Bk. ||4.800 kg
| Jala for decoction|| Water || ||49.152 l
|reduced to|| || || 12.288 l
| Gu·a Guḍa API ||Jaggery || PrakÀepa Dravya ||9.6 kg
| Dh¡tak¢ API|| Woodfordia fruticosa|| Fl.|| 768 g[[Prakṣepa Dravya]]:
| Aj¡j¢ (áveta J¢raka Dhātakī API)|| Cuminum cyminum[[Woodfordia fruticosa]]|| FrFl.|| 48 768 g
| Mustaka Ajājī (Must¡ śveta Jīraka API) ||Cyperus rotundus[[Cuminum cyminum]]|| Rz.Fr|| 48 g
| áu¸¶h¢ Mustaka (Mustā API ) ||Zingiber officinale[[Cyperus rotundus]]|| Rz. ||48 g
| D¡rv¢ (D¡ruharidr¡) Śuṇṭhī API) ||Berberis aristata[[Zingiber officinale]]|| StRz. ||48 g
| Utpala Dārvī (Dāruharidrā) API ) ||Nymphaea stellata [[Berberis aristata]]||FlSt.|| 48 g
| Har¢tak¢ Utpala API ||Terminalia chebul[[Nymphaea stellata]] || PFl.|| 48 g
| Bibh¢taka Harītakī API ||[[Terminalia belericachebul]]|| P. ||48 g
| Ëmalak¢ Bibhītaka API ||Emblica officinalis[[Terminalia belerica]]|| P.|| 48 g
| Ëmr¡sthi (Ëmra Āmalakī API) ||Mangifera indica [[Emblica officinalis]]||EnmP.|| 48 g
| J¢raka Āmrāsthi (áveta J¢raka Āmra API)|| Cuminum cyminum[[Mangifera indica]] || FrEnm.|| 48 g
| V¡s¡ Jīraka (Śveta Jīraka API )||Adhatoda vasica[[Cuminum cyminum]]|| RtFr. ||48 g
| Vāsā API ||[[Adhatoda vasica]]|| Rt. ||48 g|-| Candana (áveta Śveta Candana API) ||[[Santalum album ]] ||Ht. Wd.|| 48 g
==Method of preparation==
*Take the raw materials of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash, dry and powder the ingredient numbered 1 ([[KvāthaDravya]] Dravya) of the formulation composition and pass through the sieve number 44 to obtain coarse powder.*Clean, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 5 to 16 (Prakshepa [[Prakṣepa Dravya]]) of the formulation composition individually and pass through the sieve number 85 to obtain fine powder.*Add specified amount of water to the [[KvāthaDravya]] Dravya, soak overnight, heat, reduce to one fourth and filter through muslin cloth to obtain [[Kvātha]].<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
*Clear, dark brown liquid without frothing and significant sedimentation;; with astringent taste.
==Therapeutic uses==
*As¤gdara Asṛgdara Ruja (dysmenorrhoea), Yoniruja Yonirujā (pain in female genital tract), shvetapradara Śvetapradara (leucorrhoea), Jvara (fever), Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Arsa Arśa (piles), Mandagni Mandāgni (dyspepsia), Arocaka (tastelessness), Meha (polyuria), shotha Śotha (inflammation).

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