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Ubhaya padangushtasana

- Lie on your back. Keep your feet together and hands by the side of your hips, head resting on the ground.
- Exhale and come to Halasana / Plow Pose.
- Extend your arms and take them behind your head.
- Hold both your big toes and stretch your legs.
- Inhale and slowly stretch your legs to point your toes towards the ceiling.
- Lift your upper body and balance your weight on your sitting bones.
- Push your head back slightly and focus in between your eyebrows.
- Stay in this pose for 3 long breaths.
Technique in pictures/animation
- It strengthens especially the legs, the toes and ankles.
- It perfectly regulates the reproductive system with a lot of perfection.
- It cure ailment of the stomach.
- It reduces constipation.
- It improves digestion.
- It eliminates flatulence.
- It reduces the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and the waist.[1]