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The Pranic Body

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Prana is life force. According to yoga physiology pranamaya kosha or sheath is made up of five major pranas which are collectively known as pancha pranas. They are prana, udana, samana, apana and vyana. Pranamaya kisha governs the area between the larynx and the top of the diaphragm.


This is the force that is associated with the organs of respration, speech, the guilt, muscles and nerves that activate these organs. It is by this force that the breath is drawn inside.


This force is associated with the area of the body above the neck. It activates the sensory receptors such as eyes, nose, ears etc. The main function is to activate thought and consciousness. This force also activates limbs, their muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints and helps an erect posture.


This force is located between the heart and navel. It activates and controls the digestive system - the liver, instestine, pancreas and stomach and their secretions. Samana also activates the heart and circulatory system and is responsible for the assimilation of nutrients.


This force is located below the navel regin and provides energy to the large intenstine, kidneys, anus and genitals. This force is concerned with the expulsion of waste from the body.


This force pervades the whole body. It regulates all movements, co-ordinates other pranas and acts as reserve force for them. Vyana is the main cause of blood circulation throughout the body.

Upa Pranas

Along with these major pranas, there are five minor pranas known as Upa Pranas. They are Naga, Koorma, Krikara, devadatta and Dhananjaya.

Upa Prana

  • Naga : Its function is Bleching and Hiccups.
  • Koorma : Its function is Opens the eyes and stimulates blinking.
  • Krikara : Its function is Generates hunger,thirst,sneezing and caughing.
  • Devadatta : Its function is Induces sleep and yawning.
  • Dhananjaya : Its function is Lingers immediately after death and responsible for the decomposition of the body.
  • The key to health and well - being is to keep our pranas in harmony. when one prana becomes imbalanced, the others tend to become imbalanced as well because they are all linked together. The practice of mudras aids in creating balance among the pranas. Mantras also purify our body and mind.Therefore recitation of mantras while performing the mudras becomes very important.
  • Before any japa, meditation or worship, mudras are practised because mudras remove the impurities of the mind like fickleness and lethargy. Mudras activate blood circulation and transmission of energy through the nerves. They bslsnce the five elements, five pranas and three Doshas by : replacing one element within the human body.

Elements region in Body

  1. Akasha - This mainly occupies the region of head. This is related to the thought process.
  2. Agni - This occupies the place from navel to the chest regin. The prana and apana function here.
  3. Jala - This occupies the place between navel and thighs.
  4. Prithvi - This occupies the place mainly between thighs and the feet
  5. Vayu - This occupies the place between the nose and diaphram.[1]
