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Elsholtzia cristata

442 bytes added, 5 months ago
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[[File:Elsholtzia ciliata-1.jpg|thumb|right]]
Elsholtzia ciliata is an erect. It will grow upto 30 - 50cm tall. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. The plant is often grown as an ornamental. It can escape from cultivation and has become naturalized in many areas outside its native range.
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==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Roadsides}}, {{Commonly seen|Old fields}}, {{Commonly seen|Grassy areas in mountains in Korea}}, {{Commonly seen|Hills}}, {{Commonly seen|Waste areas}}, {{Commonly seen|Sunny terraces}}, {{Commonly seen|Riverbanks}}, {{Commonly seen|Forests}}.
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