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Mukia Maderaspatana - Madras pea pumpkin

310 bytes added, 11 months ago
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[[File:Mukia maderaspatana 01.JPG|thumb|right|]]
'''Mukia Maderaspatana''' is a annual sparse climber. It is an annual plant, trailing along the ground or scrambling into other plants where it supports itself by means of tendrils. It produces stems up to about 4 metres long. The plant is often gathered from the wild for local medicinal use.
{{Uses|Tootheache}}, {{Uses|Ulcer}}, {{Uses|Urinary complaints}}, {{Uses|Chronic diseases}}, {{Uses|Blood pressure}}<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>.
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Open Areas}}, {{Commonly seen|Flood-plain}}, {{Commonly seen|Valley grasslands}}, {{Commonly seen|Riverine margins}}, {{Commonly seen|Damper places in woodland}}.
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