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Zalea Decandra

159 bytes added, 1 year ago
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==Common names==
{{Common names|sa=Punarnavi|en=|gu=|hi=Khari-butiGadabani|kn=Bilee komme|ks=|ml=|mr=|pa=|ta=CharanaiVallai Sherunai|te=GalijaeruTellagalijeru}}
{{Leaf|Unequal|Up to 3.5 x 1.5 cm|Elliptic|Oblong or ovate, Tip pointed, Base wedge-shaped, Stalk up to 1 cm, Sheathing at base}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|BisexualBorne in leaf axils|Axillary spikesBracteoles 1.5 mm|Stamens 15|}}

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