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Nutritional Tonic

1,141 bytes added, 7 years ago
Created page with "thumb|right|''Shatashva Granules'' Shatashva Granules is useful in following cases : *For Treatment of Acidity: Hyper acidity and its consequence, Sh..."
[[File:Shatashva.jpg|thumb|right|''Shatashva Granules'']]

Shatashva Granules is useful in following cases :

*For Treatment of Acidity: Hyper acidity and its consequence, Shatashva Granules should be taken two times with milk
*All A Rich Noursing And Delicious General Tonic For All Ages: Shatashva is recommended as general tonic where Patient complaint about general debility, weakness, weak digestive function, loss of appetite, tireness and especially for under weight
*A Protective Tonic And Rejuvenator For Women: Anemia caused by manorrhajia or excess menses, backache, nutritional anemia and other female complains, shatashva 1 tea spoon with milk three times a day should be given
*In Absence, Deficiency For Irregularity of Lactation: Shatashva has a powerful lactogenic and galactopoietic actions

== Composition: (each 100 gm) ==

*Satavari- As paragus Racamous 66.8%
*Ashwgandha-wihania somnifera- 20.0%
*Mandur-feroso revie oxide - 1.7%
*Prawalpisti-corallium rubrum- 1.7%

== External Links ==

*[ Shatashva Granules]


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