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Concept of ‘Pitta'
==Concept of ‘Pitta'==
Pitta’ includes all those factors responsible for digestion and
metabolism. For all practical purposes, ‘Agni’ & ‘Pitta’ are to be considered as identical entities.
'''Pācaka Pitta:'''
‘Pācaka Pitta’ is equivalent to ‘Jatharāgni’ (A.H. Sū. 12/11). As its functions suggest, all enzymes responsible for digestion along with all gastrointestinal hormones and all local hormones of G.I.T. are to be included in it.
'''Rañjaka Pitta:'''
It is responsible for synthesis of ‘Rakta’. It is situated in stomach
(‘Amāśaya’) according to Vāgbhata and the sites are liver and spleen according to Suśruta. Gastric intrinsic factor is the best candidate to represent Vāgbhata’ s view, as it is required for the absorption of Vitamin B12, which in turn is needed for DNA synthesis of RBC precursors in bone marrow.
'''Bhrājaka Pitta:'''
As is known, pigmentation of skin is under the control of some hormones
like ACTH & MSH from anterior pituitary. Some enzymes in the skin responsible for the metabolism of certain drugs applied topically also can be considered under ‘Bhrājaka Pitta’ along with the hormones controlling pigmentation.
'''Sādhaka Pitta:'''
All functions ascribed to this ‘Pitta’are of cerebrum, limbic system,
hypothalamus and other CNS structures. For motivation and other psychosocial behaviors Norepinephrine is a very essential neurotransmitter in the brain. Incidentally, it also acts on heart as a cardiac stimulant. During emergency situations it is released from adrenal medulla and it helps for “fight or flight phenomenon”.
'''Alocaka Pitta:'''
This is said to be responsible for normal vision. Photosensitive chemicals in
the eye, called Photo-pigments and the whole process involved in photochemistry of vision can be represented by ‘Alocaka pitta’. Also, neurotransmitters involved in the visual pathway can be included under this.

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