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According to Ayurveda all objects in the universe including human body are composed of five basic elements (Panchamahabhutas) namely, earth, water, fire, air and vacuum (ether). There is a balanced condensation of these elements in different proportions to suit the needs and requirements of different structures and functions of the body matrix and its parts. The growth and development of the body matrix depends on its nutrition, i.e. on food. The food, in turn, is composed of the above five elements, which replenish or nourish the like elements of the body after the action of bio-fire (Agni). The tissues of the body are the structural whereas humours are physiological entities, derived from different combinations and permutations of Panchamahabhutas.<ref name="Description"/>
==Five Mahabhutas==
The five mahabhutas are Akasa,Vayu, Agni,Ap or jala and Prthivi . viz – Sound,Touch,Vision, Taste,and Smell are their properties respectively .
According to Ayurveda everything in Universe is composed of the Pancamahabhutas – Akasa Space), Vayu (Air), Teja or Agni(Fire),Jala(Water)and Prithvi (Earth).Omnipresent,they are mixed in an infinite variety of relative proportions such that each form of matter is distinctly unique. Although each element has a range of attributes, only some get evident in particular situations. Constantly changing and interacting with each other, they create a situation of dynamic flux that keeps the world going.
In a simple,single living cell for example the earth element predominates by giving structure to the cell.The water element is present in the cytoplasm or the liquid within the cell membrane.The fire element regulates the metabolic processes regulating the cell.While the air element predominates the gases therein. The space occupied by the cell denoting the Akasa.
In the case of a complex, multi-cellular organism as a human being for instance,akasa corresponds to spaces within the body (mouth, nostrils, abdomen etc.); vayu denotes the movement (essentially muscular also nervous system ); agni controls the functioning of enzymes (intelligence, digestive system, metabolism); jala is in all body fluids (as plasma, saliva, digestive juices); and prithvi manifests itself in the solid structure of the body (bones, teeth, flesh, hair et al)
The Pancamahabhutas therefore serve as the foundation of all diagnosis & treatment modalities in Ayurveda and has served as a most valuable theory for physicians to detect and treat illness of the body and mind successfully.<ref name="Five Mahabhutas"/>
<ref name="Description">[ Referred by Vikaspedia]</ref>
<ref name="Five Mahabhutas">[ Traditional knowledge digital library]</ref>
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