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Rivea hypocrateriformis

1,607 bytes added, 4 years ago
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{{stub}}[[File:Rivea hypocrateriformis (Common Night Glory) in Hyderabad, AP W IMG 9251.jpg|thumb|right]]'''Rivea hypocrateriformis''' is an evergreen, climbing plant with twining stems that become woody with age. The plant can scramble over the ground or climb into the surrounding vegetation. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a food and a medicine. It is sold for both purposes in local markets. It is sometimes cultivated for its edible seeds according to one report, but this seems unlikely - if it is cultivated it is more likely to be for its edible leaves.
{{Uses|Cough}}, {{Uses|Headache}}, {{Uses|Skin diseases}}, {{Uses|Skin disease}}, {{Uses|Burns}}, {{Uses|Piles}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|}}, {{Uses|Rheumatic pain}}.<ref name="Uses"/>
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Young leaves}}, {{Parts Used|stemYoung shoots}}, {{Parts Used|leaves}}, {{Parts Used|Root}}.
==Chemical Composition==
It contains Tannin, alkaloids, flavonoids, and carbohydrates were present in leaf powder of R. hypocrateriformis.<ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|sa=|en=Midnapore Creeper|gu=|hi=Phanji|kn=Neer boddi|ks=|ml=|mr=|pa=|ta=Budthi Kiray|te=Boddikura}}<ref name="Common names"/>
{{Habit|Evergreen climber}}
==Mode of Propagation==
==How to plant/cultivate==
Grows in the wild in moist, gravelly-loamy soils.<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Subtropical forest}}, {{Commonly seen|}}, {{Commonly seen|}}, {{Commonly seen|}}, {{Commonly seen|Tropical forest}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
File:Rivea hypocrateriformis (Common Night Glory) in Hyderabad, AP W IMG 9253.jpgFile:Rivea hypocrateriformis (Common Night Glory) in Hyderabad, AP W IMG 9251.jpg
 <ref name="chemical composition">["Chemistry" Chemical constituents]</ref> <ref name="Leaf">[Morphology]</ref><ref name="MorphologyCommon names">[,mm%20long%2C%20densely%20short%20villose. Common names]</ref> <ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ " Cultivation"]</ref>
<ref name="Uses">Indian Medicinal Plants by C.P.Khare</ref>
==External Links==
* [ Rivea hypocrateriformis on]* [ Rivea hypocrateriformis on]* [ ]

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