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Nuphar advena - Yellow pond-lily

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[[File:American Spatterdock.jpg|thumb|right|''Nuphar advena'', ''Yellow pond-lily'']]
 '''Yellow pond-lily''' is a species of Nuphar nuphar native throughout the eastern United States and at least some parts of Canada, such as Nova Scotia. It is similar to the Eurasian species N. lutea, and is treated as a subspecies of it by some botanists, though differing significantly in genetics. 
{{Uses|sexual Sexual irritability}}, {{Uses|blood Blood diseases}}, {{Uses|chillsChills}}, {{Uses|Curing liver disorders}}, {{Uses|swellingsSwellings}}, {{Uses|inflammationsInflammations}}, {{Uses|cutsCuts}}, {{Uses|Diarrhea}}, {{Uses|Sore throats}}
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