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Limonia acidissima - Kapitha

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[[File:Limonia acidissima (6941726106).jpg|thumb|right|''Kapitha'', ''Limonia acidissima'']]
'''Limonia acidissima''' is the only species within the monotypic genus Limonia. It is native to the Indomalaya ecozone to Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and in Indochinese ecoregion east to Java and the Malesia ecoregion.
{{Uses|Indigestion}}, {{Uses|Earache}}, {{Uses|Scurvy}}, {{Uses|Diabetes}}, {{Uses|Kidney problems}}, {{Uses|Liver problems}}, {{Uses|Snakebites}}, {{Uses|Malaria}}, {{Uses|Sore throats}}.
==Chemical Composition==
Fruit pulp contains large quantity of citric acid and other fruit acids, mucilage and minerals. Leaves contain stigmasterol, psoralen, bergapten, orientin, vitedin, saponarin, tannins and an essential oil<ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Leaf|Pinnate|alternateAlternate|Imparipinnate, alternate, 1-3 in a cluster, estipulate; rachis 60-80 mm long, stout, glabrous, often narrowly winged; leaflets 4-7, opposite, sessile, estipellate; lamina 1.3-3.8 × 1.3 cm, obovate, base cuneate or acute, apex obtuse, margin entire, glabrous, pellucid-punctate, coriaceous; lateral nerves pinnate, obscure, intercostae obscure.}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Polygamous|1-3 cm across|Yellow|10-12|dull Dull red, 1.3 cm across, in axillary cymes; calyx small, flat, 5-toothed, pubescent with out, deciduous; petals 5, free, spreading; stamens 10-12, inserted round the disc; filaments dilated below, villous on face and margins; anthers linear-oblong; disc thick, annular, pubescent; pistillode short; ovary superior, oblong, 5-6-celled, at length 1-celled, ovules many; stigma oblong, fusiform. }}
{{Fruit|Berry|5-7.6 cm across|| globoseGlobose, whitish-brown, rind hard and woody; seeds many, embedded in pulp|manyMany}}
===Other features===
==How to plant/cultivate==
The wood-apple is generally grown from seeds though seedlings will not bear fruit until at least 15 years old. Multiplication may also be by root cuttings, air-layers, or by budding . <ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
Coth bael.jpg
Feronia elephantum Govindoo.jpg
Feronia elephantum PannaTR.jpg
Feronia Elephantum tree.JPG 7688 qsbg11mar.jpg 7689 qsbg11mar.jpg
Kapithama (Sanskrit- कपित्थं) (2276565334).jpg
Kapittam (Tamil- கபித்தம்) (7087799491).jpg
<ref name="chemical composition">[ "chemical Chemical constituents"]</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">[ "Morphology"]</ref>
<ref name="Ayurvedic preparations">[ "Ayurvedic preparations"]</ref>
<ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "Cultivation Details"]</ref>

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