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Kigelia pinnata - Sausage tree

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[[File:Ouidah-Kigelia africana (3).jpg|thumb|right|''Sausage tree'', ''Kigelia pinnata'']]
Sausage tree '''Kigelia pinnata''' is an extremely variable, semideciduous tree with a large, dense, spreading crown; it . It sometimes grows up to 23 metres tall but is usually smaller. The bole is sometimes crooked, it usually branches from low-down and can be 80cm in diameter. 
{{Uses|Wound healing}}, {{Uses|Skin diseases}}, {{Uses|Venereal diseases}}, {{Uses|Diarrhea}}, {{Uses|Infertility}}, {{Uses|Jaundice}}, {{Uses|Leprosy}}
==Common names==
{{Common names|sa=|en=African sausage tree|gu=|hi=Balam kheera, jhar Jhar fanoos|kn=aanethoradu Aanethoradu kaayi, mara Mara sowthae|ks=|ml=|mr=|pa=|ta=Yanai pudukan|te=enuga Enuga thondamu, jijiliyaarnattuJijiliyaarnattu, kijiliKijili, naagamalleNaagamalle}}
<ref name="Common names"/>
{{Leaf|Pinnate|Opposite| crowded Crowded near the ends of branches, compound, with 3-5 pairs of leaflets plus a terminal leaflet; leaflets oblong, up to 6 x 10 cm, leathery, roughly hairy on both surfaces, rather yellowish-green above, paler green below, apex broadly tapering to rounded; base square, asymmetric in the lateral leaflets, symmetric in the terminal leaflet; margin entire, sometimes obscurely toothed, wavy; the lower leaflets shortly petiolulate, the terminal pair without petiolules; petiole up to 15 cm long.}}
<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|Pendulous panicles|Flowers striking, dark maroon with heavy yellow veining on the outside,cup shaped, asymmetric, up to 15 cm across the mouth, unpleasant smelling; in 6- to 12-flowered, lax, pendulous sprays up to 90 cm long. Calyx shortly tubular with 2-5 ribbed lobes; corolla widely cup shaped with 5 broad spreading lobes; stamens 4, slightly protruding beyond the mouth of the corolla tube; ovary 1-chambered.|}}
{{Fruit|Sausage shaped| 45 cm long by 15 cm diameter||greyishGreyish-brown, heavily dotted with lenticels, indehiscent, heavy, weighing up to 12 kg, containing a fibrous pulp in which are embedded many seeds.||}}
===Other features===

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