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Scoparia dulcis - Sweet Broom Weed

602 bytes added, 7 years ago
[[File:450px-Scoparia dulcis 1.JPG|thumb|left]]
'''Scoparia dulcis''' is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family. Common names include '''''licorice weed''''', '''''goatweed''''', '''''scoparia-weed''''' and '''''sweet-broom''''' in English, '''''tapeiçava''''', '''''tapixaba''''', and '''''vassourinha''''' in Portuguese, '''''escobillo''''' in Spanish, and '''''tipychä kuratu''''' in Guarani. It is native to the Neotropics but it can be found throughout the tropical and subtropical world.
'''Medicinal Uses'''
Leaves are used in treatment of fever, cough, bronchitis and dental trouble.
Leaves and stems are used for diabetes.

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